Main Entry: sot·to vo·ce

Pronunciation: "sä-tO-'vO-chE
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: Italian sottovoce, literally, under the voice
1 : under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner
2 : very softly -- used as a direction in music

Friday, February 18, 2005

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - the chrysalis factor | lolita & now voyager

Why is it that I turn to Now Voyager again and again and certain books like Lolita. I suppose we all have our favorite reads and our favorite films, and though Nabokov is certainly my favorite author, Now Voyager though , it may be a great, old Hollywood production, is also one of the hokiest films I have ever seen. Still, the film holds and as I watched recently I couldn’t help but see the surprising similarties between the two stories – between the nymphet and the spinster aunt, both stuck in their cocoons and both subjects of the tyranny of others. ...more>>>
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - the chrysalis factor | lolita & now voyager