Main Entry: sot·to vo·ce

Pronunciation: "sä-tO-'vO-chE
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: Italian sottovoce, literally, under the voice
1 : under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner
2 : very softly -- used as a direction in music

Friday, February 18, 2005 pleased to meet me | down the rabbit hole and straight to hell

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the use of medication and whether or not I really need it for these darned seizures of mine, and this annoying epilepsy, for I have to tell you, it seems to me that I am a heck of a lot more productive when I am off of this medicine and that I write more coherently, more intelligently, and just plain more, and while I am well aware that quantity should never be sacrificed for quality....more>>> pleased to meet me | down the rabbit hole and straight to hell

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - the chrysalis factor | lolita & now voyager

Why is it that I turn to Now Voyager again and again and certain books like Lolita. I suppose we all have our favorite reads and our favorite films, and though Nabokov is certainly my favorite author, Now Voyager though , it may be a great, old Hollywood production, is also one of the hokiest films I have ever seen. Still, the film holds and as I watched recently I couldn’t help but see the surprising similarties between the two stories – between the nymphet and the spinster aunt, both stuck in their cocoons and both subjects of the tyranny of others. ...more>>>
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - the chrysalis factor | lolita & now voyager

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - in the looking glass | the real you

I recently discovered a thing that is perhaps known to the rest of mankind but was previously unknown to me, which is that we are never just one self, but more, we are an amalgam of selves. Oh, yes, I mean of course I knew we all had different “sides” as I’ll call them – our social side, our good side, our sweet side...more>>>
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - in the looking glass | the real you

Friday, February 04, 2005 Woolf's Long Hours: Virginia Woolf's Temporal Lobe - sadi ranson-polizzotti

Say what you will, but it cannot have been easy to be Virginia Woolf, and having learned that she “suffered of fits” as the language goes, a thing I know a little something about, I find myself empathizing all the more. Woolf's Long Hours: Virginia Woolf's Temporal Lobe