Biography, like any form of character study, is a post-mortem; the autopsy of the literary world. A good biographer, like a good pathologist, will bring the right tools to the table, know where to dig and how to identify what he finds, how to weigh it and give it its proper consequence. The writer, at best, need be an objective observer – though none of us is truly objective. We bring our own bruised hearts to the scene. more...
Thursday, June 17, 2004
what about lewis carroll
Biography, like any form of character study, is a post-mortem; the autopsy of the literary world. A good biographer, like a good pathologist, will bring the right tools to the table, know where to dig and how to identify what he finds, how to weigh it and give it its proper consequence. The writer, at best, need be an objective observer – though none of us is truly objective. We bring our own bruised hearts to the scene. more...