Main Entry: sot·to vo·ce

Pronunciation: "sä-tO-'vO-chE
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: Italian sottovoce, literally, under the voice
1 : under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner
2 : very softly -- used as a direction in music

Friday, January 14, 2005

Expression, Discussion, Reflection - poetry slam sub: what adam thought he knew

sadi's participation in Underground Window's poetry slam:

sadi's participation in poetry slam:

Part one: starts tenderly enough.
I am light air bright.
So luminous, infact,
Firelflies flash their greens,
A halo about my head.
I am sainted, near pefect
Giver, and sustainer.
The night creatures draw near.
(read more>>>)
Expression, Discussion, Reflection - poetry slam sub: what adam thought he knew