thanks, as ever, for reading...
s.r.p., march 21, 1.21 p.m.
one woman | a cellphone | two laptops | write now, right now
Israel is ranked 30th out of 180 states in the 2007 "Corruption Perceptions Index," released Wednesday by Transparency International, a global NGO committed to fighting corruption The ranking represents a slight improvement from 2006, when Israel came in at 34th, receiving a score of 5.9 out of 10, as opposed to this year's 6.1 Britain is ranked 12th and the United States 20th, with scores of 8.4 and 7.2, respectively The survey focuses on corruption in the public sector and among politicians, and the organization defines corruption as "the misuse of entrusted power for private gain." Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tied for first place on the list Gross, the chairman of Israel's Transparency International branch, said that more than half of the 180 states that were examined received scores of three or less, which indicates that funds needed for education, medicine and infrastructure are being pocketed by politicians |
Note: Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, TeleRead’s e-book editor, teaches a graduate-level course in editing. Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti: When did editing end? The ‘p-boo |
the long and strong rainy days of summer, unlike most other times of year, a real deluge that brings down trees with thunderous clouds and lightning that always seems to seek out and strike someone as reported on the evening news.
Yet despite all of this, despite our work and those impossible deadlines, let's face it, we love all of it. We love those deadlines, to be driven and to feel that elan of it all as the world spins and as we speed (though not fast, disclaimer) through the tunnel listening to Evan Dando or whatever is floating your boat these days and you get there and get the job done. This is what life is about. I heard it is mostly about just "showing up" and i believe that is more than half the battle. Show up, do your best, maintain your dignity at all times whenever possible and just forget the small stuff, the daily irritations, the gnats that annoy us all and do their best to do so. None of this is worth the trouble. None of it. This much i can promise you. What is imporant is Being There. Be present now, and do your best. You live once that you remember and trite as it sounds or may sound, your friend or mother or whomever was right when they said, Why should anyone be any smarter than you?
It's not to do with smart; it's to do with effort. There are loads of smart people, the problem is, there are few people who are willing to put in the effort it takes to get the job really done. Make that person you.
That's the sotto voce speech of the day or month ~ for now, read on.
site updated, summer, 2006