Main Entry: sot·to vo·ce

Pronunciation: "sä-tO-'vO-chE
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: Italian sottovoce, literally, under the voice
1 : under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner
2 : very softly -- used as a direction in music

Friday, January 28, 2005

booksquare - sadi ranson-polizzotti takes a long, well-considered look at adultery in literature...

read more information from Book Square, with links to original Blogcritics article

Expression, Discussion, Reflection - Email sadi

for Underground Window Poetry Journal
email s.r.p. questions about poetry, writing, anything related to poetry and writing that strikes your fancy...
Expression, Discussion, Reflection - Email sadi

Underground Window - a monthly poetry journal

for new work from sadi ranson-polizzotti
Underground Window - a monthly poetry journal

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - ted hughes | why birthday letters

I always felt sad for Ted Hughes.

Even in death, he cannot find peace. There are still groups of people who hold Hughes, and Hughes alone, accountable for the death of his wife the poet Sylvia Plath. If only life were so simple. More >>>
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - ted hughes | why birthday letters

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

auntie sadi's advice for girls

auntie sadi's advice for girls
visit, learn, read, get advice, ask questions and find the answers to the questions or at least, get some opinions, about those things that nobody ever bothered to tell you about from a wizened old tart who has seen pretty much everything and can aid you in your journey.

write to aunt sadi with your deepest, darkest problems. simply use the comments section from the link above and your questions will be answered promptly.

aunt sadi's pledge to you.

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - why wax me Barbie!

I remember years ago ago to seemed when women had some degree of bodily hair and wore it proudly.
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - why wax me Barbie!

Monday, January 24, 2005

blue sunday

blue sunday
Originally uploaded by sadijane.
the mean reds or the real blues, depending on who you are.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

pau azucar

pau azucar
Originally uploaded by sadijane.

taking the veil 3

taking the veil 3
Originally uploaded by sadijane.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

sotto voce | tant mieux - links page

Select link below to be taken to our bridge page with a list of our links and a brief description for each. More links are available at or by selecting this link
sotto voce | tant mieux - links page living language | learn french again

Raise your hand if you were forced to take a language course in school – you know, the usual Spanish or French, and if you were in a better school district, Italian, Latin, German and even Chinese as my son just told me was offered. living language | learn french again

Friday, January 21, 2005 grieving and surviving | on my word

Grief is never easy, no matter what your religious beliefs. The idea that your departed, your quick and your dead may wind up sitting on a cloud one day with fairy wings and a halo all sweetness and light is nice, but it isn’t really the same thing as having them here, with you now in this moment in which you can live life together and hold onto them for dear life and never again take that person for granted, because you know you did, and though you hadn’t meant to, now it’s too late. More>>> grieving and surviving on my word The Calling | it's your Father on the line

A friend rings today and Lord, it is good to hear his voice. My friend Charlie, who went from being a New York editor extraordinaire and is now a Midwestern priest -- also extraordinaire, for he is good, no great, at what he does. My, how life is odd. Imagine going from publishing literature in New York and hanging out with the likes of me and people like me who talked about work in translation far too often and far too vehemently, who smoked too much, who wore too much black and generally took the whole publishing scene far too seriously. Not say that it isn’t important. It is. Perhaps it is that we took our role and ourselves in it too seriously, for after all, we were editors and as such, we determined what the future reading of tomorrow - who would be big, who would not. However, don't blame me for Brett Easton Ellis, please. More >>> The Calling | it's your Father on the line epilepsy and the workplace | carpe diem

There are big debates in our family these days, and they stretch from the closest branches to the furthest reaches of the family tree, the highest fruit, who all seem to have some very strong and vehement opinion about whether or not someone like me, that is, someone with known physical complications and illness, particularly that nasty epilepsy thing that causes the “big bad” – our grand mal – and of course, bien sur, le petit mal, which isn’t so petite when it’s happening to you. The issue, of course, is whether or not I should work a fulltime job again, because working fulltime is naturally a stress of the first order and has in the past, certainly caused seizures... more... epilepsy and the workplace carpe diem

Friday, January 14, 2005

ken*again, the literary magazine. Winter 2004/2005

scroll down on the list to my name and read work just published in Ken*Again, an excellent journal which i'm very proud to be part of.... ken*again, the literary magazine. Winter 2004/2005

tant mieux banner January

tant mieux banner January
Originally uploaded by sadijane.

Expression, Discussion, Reflection - poetry slam sub: what adam thought he knew

sadi's participation in Underground Window's poetry slam:

sadi's participation in poetry slam:

Part one: starts tenderly enough.
I am light air bright.
So luminous, infact,
Firelflies flash their greens,
A halo about my head.
I am sainted, near pefect
Giver, and sustainer.
The night creatures draw near.
(read more>>>)
Expression, Discussion, Reflection - poetry slam sub: what adam thought he knew

questioning beauty | imaginary

Sadi writes a long book review essay about the nature of beauty. Questions to think about: Can a person contemplate the physical form of a woman without linking it to sexual attraction? Is sexual attraction an appropriate metaphor for discussing beauty as a philosophical concept?

sorting through the shards with sadi ranson-polizzotti | on idiotprogrammer / imaginary

Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, poet, essayist and frequent contributor to blogcritics, has been taking the world by storm over the last six months.
More>>> the family myth

Another year whizzes by and the older I get, the faster they pass, and it seems only yesterday I was twenty-something and living what at the time I thought was surely both the highpoint and the low point of my life. Now, looking back at forty, I see how much and how little has changed. What I see at this time of year is not exclusive to me, but is a thing that perhaps we all experience and that is our role in our own family myth. The you you are around your family, or the you you are perceived as, perhaps more accurately. More>>> the family myth winter's sloth | overcome the dark days of winter

I was listening to Pillow today, that great song by Tom Verlaine who I just can’t get enough of these days and those lyrics just hit me right where it counts, and although it is years since I heard this song, when I hear the line “you are remembered well. Putting on that overcoat in June…slipping off that old corsage… it’s nothing, really nothing. What does the dove see? There at the window. These pains are very hard.” and I agree. More>>> winter's sloth | overcome the dark days of winter Holly Golightly | Fifty Dollars for the Powder Room

I was watching Breakfast at Tiffanys, again, and wondering why in the world it is that so many women who really, compared to our Audrey are let’s face it, rather subpar, seem to think of themselves Holly Golightly or more, would want to think of themselves as Holly, who is, by all accounts, a kept woman in many ways and one who is dependent on her fifty dollars for the powder room. I noticed this just the other day when someone changed their name on their instant messager to Holly Golightly and i thought this strange...more>>> Holly Golightly | Fifty Dollars for the Powder Room