Main Entry: sot·to vo·ce

Pronunciation: "sä-tO-'vO-chE
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: Italian sottovoce, literally, under the voice
1 : under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner
2 : very softly -- used as a direction in music

Monday, November 29, 2004 it's just a silly phase i'm going through | charisma, you

Suppose you count yourself lucky because people love you - men and women alike seem to fall at your feet (metaphorically, we hope), and it's not because you're so damn gorgeous because the truth is there is always someone more beautiful - really, and also, there's no one size fits all beauty, so what may be beautiful to one is hideous to another and thank god, because we'd all be chasing the same person and wouldn't that suck, but let's talk about that other thing that draws people to one and other and that is that slippery, tricky thing called charisma. it's just a silly phase i'm going through | charisma, you

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - lover's spit | why adultery?

I had written a review of The End of the Affair, the film adaptation of Graham Greene's novel, for Blogcritics - a film, I felt captured an affair as realistically as any I've seen, for there is both romance and pain, and at the end, though this may not always be the case in life, Sarah, one of the lovers' and the adulteress, must pay the ultimate price for her perceived sin and for this, she must pay with her life; the end of the film, after all those months of amorous and sexy and soft light lovemaking will end with Sarah, exhausted (who wouldn't be) and washed up and lying on her death bed, waiting for the boom to fall, the Christian price that one pays for adultery and to know Greene is to know that he struggled somewhat with thorny concepts of right and wrong, particularly as they related to the divine or to religion and faith. (select link to read more)
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - lover's spit | why adultery?

Sunday, November 21, 2004 is it really the end of the affair? - sadi ranson-polizzotti

"Not long ago, I read a great article on Blogcritics that was about Julianne Moore, an actress I've long admired, and though her work lately has tended to the too commercial for my tastes (the bad comedy with Pierce Brosnan that I saw on the plane on the way home from France - not my thing). But I remember Moore in The End of the Affair, and I recall too that I had read the book by Graham Greene and was curious as to how a director would handle a book that I, anyway," (select link, and do read the comments at the end of this piece as they really add a great deal. srp) is it really the end of the affair?:

Saturday, November 20, 2004

new poetry, medusa in oil | published in

Medusa in Oil
Slut, she imagines herself
In riches. An Indochine seductress
Oiled yellow skin on which men
Will slip. Spit, fingers greedily seeking
A thing they cannot name. Teats hang
Flat, as pastry bags, emptied of their
Sweetness. Nursemaid to the wounded (link for more...)

For more click here.

Review of "Eels" by sadi ranson, review by Corinne McKay for the Boston Book Review

Lovers of tearfully poignant stories of ill-fated romantic affairs will delight in Sadi Ranson's new work Eels. Ms. Ranson's book, consisting of a novella and selected poems, is the vehicle through which the heroine Esther recounts the story of her adulterous romance with to read more...
Corinne McKay-Freelance Writing and Translation

Friday, November 19, 2004

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles

It?s always disturbing to see someone harassed at work; to hear the snide gossip, the nasty comments, etc, and always it is awful to see a woman, or for that matter a man, sexually harassed by a co-worker or worse a superior. But today I speak of these things, but more, I write again of bullying, as I have in the past (see Meet the New American Bully).

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

beyond indigo | how kelly baltzell can help you move beyond grief | the interview

A few years ago, my plane was grounded by a snowstorm as I returned home from my grandfather's funeral in February. Layovers like this are never welcome and with the tears and the grief and my grandfather's rings in my hand, I was in no shape to be sitting still in an airport. By sheer chance, I was seated in the airport and I couldn't have been in a better situation. Soon, I found myself sitting next to a stunning young woman named Kelly Baltzell -- a young woman with an open and kind face, and of course, soon we got to talking (delays form fast friends). But Kelly knew right away all was not well with me and informed me of her work, which is to work with those who are going through grieving the loss of a loved one. Kelly, I found out, is also the President of a Web based site called Beyond Indigo that offers vast resources for those who are chronically ill or who are grieving, but more, she offers services that are just amazing -- like virtual memorials and votives, grief journals and more. That she does all this and it is not maudlin is remarkable -- she has successfully formed a real community, perhaps the only one of it's kind, where people can gather or simple be alone and honor their loved ones, educate themselves, build memorial Web pages, and so very much more. The resourcefulness and energy of Kelly Baltzell are simply exceptional and more, does it not so much for profit, but out of a need, or a gap that she saw in the community. Her works have been rewarded and she has won Best of Forbes for four years running. Read on, and I do hope that you will... Friends, meet Kelly Baltzell and Beyond Indigo. (select link to read more)
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - beyond indigo how kelly baltzell can help you move beyond grief

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 so you're a porn star? did you even know it? abuse, voyeurism and you

Fellow Blogcritics may wish to know that their names are being used for sites that offer live sex cams and bondage singles for those on the prowl. I recently did a search of my name to see where my work had been picked up an syndicated – I’m sure many of us do this just to keep track. I want to personally tell Mac Diva, RJ, and Eric Olsen too that your names were used along with mine for a bondage site that had live sex cams with different women. so you're a porn star? did you even know it? abuse, voyeurism and you

ray of light | journeys through melanoma

ray of light | a journey through melanoma
Compressed, the ozone measures only 3mm, no thicker than the skin of a grapefruit. This protective shield, billions of years in the making, has been damaged in less than fifty, in large part, due to the breakdown of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as they reach the upper atmosphere and upset the fragile balance of molecules. sadi

sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - Idols of perversity by Bram Dijkstra

The subtitle of this book says it all: "Fantasies of the Feminine in Fin-de-Siecle Culture." Sadly though, so much of what this book contains may have began as fantasy but ended with reality. Though an older book, this is not one to soon forget or an excuse not to buy and read and read again and again. Here is a book that speaks of the cult of the pale and dying Ophelia, the original grunge GenXer, all pale and tottering with a "vampire gaze", as if she were high on heroin, and about to fade. Women, in the late 1800s and early 1900s as now, somewhat, were creatures to be both revered and feared. In any event, they were creatures, quite unlike their male counterpart.
sadi ranson-polizzotti - tant mieux articles - Idols of perversity by Bram Dijkstra

rebel yell | sir richard branson's reality

all of these reality show have me mostly bored, that is, until i saw The Rebel Billionaire, with one of my personal heroes, Sir Richard Branson, who as i recall, was ditched by his mother ina field when he was three or four and told to "find his way home." He had no help, no one to aid him in any way, and yet he found his way back to the country estate. Since then,Sir Richard Branson has been carving his own wide swath through the world, and not minding the shoulds and oughts that seem to apply to the rest of the world. They clearly do not apply to Sir Richard Branson, or they do and he has rejected them.

ray of light | melanoma

"ray of light a journey through melanoma
Compressed, the ozone measures only 3mm, no thicker than the skin of a grapefruit. This protective shield, billions of years in the making, has been damaged in less than fifty, in large part, due to the breakdown of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as they reach the upper atmosphere and upset the fragile balance of molecules. "
ray of light melanoma :

Friday, November 12, 2004

underground window

underground window. check out the new work at underground window - we're very excited to have been published here and this is brand new work.

underground window bio
underground window poems

image from underground window, all rights reserved by the artist

Thursday, November 11, 2004

scams, the elderly, and you

The ongoing argument is always in this society what do we do with our old people, or more respectfully, the elderly. If you ask me, I think we should build shrines to them the way they do in some countries, and when they pass on to some other life, or blackness or whatever it is we pass on to, that we keep an altar in our living room and get down on our knees and thank god for their existence and all that they did for us, for without them, we first, wouldn't be here, and second, likely wouldn't have many of the lovely things we have if we ever inherited even a dime from them, but mostly, we wouldn't have a sense of family or rootedness, and while I know that my own family is as dysfunctional or more or less than the next person's, I also know that I would not be who I am without them, both good and bad.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

ZudFunck has sampled us!

We've had the honor and have been sampled by ZudFunck -- visit our pages, and see our mentions for two tant mieux sotto voce sites

at the Bob Dylan Willie Nelson Double Bill Lookin' For a Soft Place to Fall

and here for tant mieux. Visit us on ZudFunck then hope around on the site. Lots of great sites are noted, the best of the best, and we're proud to be among them and return the favor.

Visit now now now, and don't forget to visit the new sotto voce Number 1 Audio Blog.

srp november 2004

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

election day blues

As a non U.S. citizen without any legal right to vote, it’s been interesting these days to watch as the election unfolds all around me and I hear opposing sides, and yes, have opinions but not a damn thing I can do about how I feel.>>>More.

Monday, November 01, 2004

new! number one audio blog

visit the new
Number 1 Audio Blog,

a new extension of tant mieux, sotto voce. Listen to audio poems, new work, and more. You can also download and burn audio discs, but check with me first just because that's polite and a nice thing to do. Visit

I'll try to post the text of the poems as well, but if you do not see it there, you can open another browser window and find most of the texts at under November Poems or New & Selected Poems. Review poems by title in the Archives to find the one you want.

as always, thanks for visiting. To return to Tant Mieux home, click here.

sadi ranson-polizzotti | november | 2004